JVC Releases DriveSmart iPhone App

June 21, 2011

After the success of TomTom’s iPhone app, I was sure that we’d see similar apps released in a hurry but I didn’t expect one to come from JVC.

It’s not a full blown turn-by-turn GPS navigation system but the new Drive Smart iPhone app promises to alleviate the stress of daily driving and get you where you want to go in less time. By connecting an iPhone to a JVC Mobile Entertainment head unit and selecting the Drive Smart app, users can record their routes via the control knobs and buttons of the car audio system.

The app records the speed at which they’re were travelling, the time it took to get there and the altitude of the route, illustrated using graphs and directions on Google Maps.

As JVC puts it: “Forget scrambling around in your glove box for your old road map and analysing alternative routes in the midst of a traffic jam – with the Drive Smart app you can easily retrieve stored data just by selecting a new route from your saved list”.

E-mails with map data can also be sent quickly and easily from the app using templates, so users can let others know where they are or where they want to meet. The app also lets you track your routes while running, walking or cycling to make sure you get the most from every workout.ย The JVC Drive Smart app is free to download from www.itunes.com/appstore

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