Perreaux Announces Audiant Series VP3 Moving Magnet Moving Coil Phono Preamplifier

December 10, 2014

Perreaux has announced a new Audiant series VP3 moving magnet, moving coil phono preamplifier. At this stage, itโ€™s under development, not a production model. Initial details extracted from the Perreaux product announcement are as follows

Minimalist Electronic

We wish to maximise the quality of your listening pleasure by keeping the componentry and signal path as uncluttered, short and clean as possible. All components in the signal path, even those of the highest quality have an effect on the signal, thereby altering the quality of the reproduction in some way. ย Our aim is to recreate in its entirety, the original performance by not adding or subtracting anything, irrespective of the source.

Minimalist Aesthetics

Our products appeal to those who seek the ultimate in audio exclusivity, namely the perfect blend of โ€œform and functionโ€. โ€œForm and functionโ€ are both tough masters. We make no excuses for producing some of the most distinctive high-end audio products on the planet. We let โ€œform and functionโ€ blend together in perfect harmony. This surely is the essence of true minimalist utilisation.

WD-Perreaux-Audiant-VP3-1Chassis External Construction Design

The Audiant VP3 slim and stylish looks befits any quality listening environment. ย The cover and front panel is made from highest quality, solid 12mm thick aluminium extrusion, with a bead blasted and clear anodized finish. The cover also features our trademark machined Perreaux logo. On / off, turntable input selection and status is provided via discreet capacitive touch panel front faceure with imbedded white LEDs highlighting your selection. Minimalist styling cues combine seamlessly to allow form and function to blend in harmony and are typical hallmarks of the Perreaux brand.

Two Turntables

Two fully independent inputs are provided which will facilitate simultaneous running of two turntables with front panel touch input selection between them.

High and Low Output

Both high and low output cartridges (moving magnet and moving coil designs) are catered for by the VP3

Optimal Internal Layout

Special attention has been lavished on the printed circuit board layout of the VP3. Optimal internal layout incorporating total left and right channel segregation. The VP3 is symmetrical in design (left and right channel DIP switch numbers, are a mirror of each other, as well as the input/output RCA configuration), with each channel being completely isolated from the other. Particular care also has been given to printed circuit board ground planes to ensure sonic purity. All signal grounding is also isolated from mains earth.

Internal Power Supply

The VP3 features an internal low noise, custom designed, power supply which is physically segregated from the rest of the sensitive electronics. Internal power supply designs are invariably more sophisticated than those featuring external plug in power packs. Special attention must be paid to shielding, supply transformer design, capacitance and earthing. Perreaux has specially developed an overrated, fully shielded, internal toroidal step down transformer as the main element in the phono supply. Special attention has also been given to capacitance smoothing, RF and EMI filtration. This results in a โ€œrock-solidโ€, low noise, highly linear, regulated DC supply.

WD-Perreaux-Audiant-VP3Fully Customiseable

The VP3 is highly flexible and sensitive. Working in combination with the wide selection of R and C loading, the user has no need for messy MM/MC jumpers as any type of cartridge can be matched via the external selectable DIP switch settings, enabling any cartridge to be used. In total there are 6 banks of rear mounted dip switches (36 dip switches in total) for full simultaneous customisation of all cartridge values on both turntable inputs.

Turntable input one features customisable gain settings of ย 60, 64, 68 or 72db (fully rear dip switch selectable)

Turntable input two features customiseable gain settings of 39, 43, 47, 51db (fully rear dip switch selectable)

RIAA Equalisation

The RIAA equalisation utilises a robust architecture with high precision, low noise resistors and highly linear, metalised polyester capacitors for optimum signal transfer. Deviation from the RIAA specification is only ยฑ0.5dB across the audio-band. With both Normal and IEC RIAA equalisation curves to select from, you can be guaranteed youโ€™re getting the optimum from your valued record collection. Low-output moving Coil cartridges present very different source characteristics to the phono preamplifier than high-output moving Coil or moving magnet cartridges.

Single Ended and Balanced Outputs

The VP3 features both single ended and balanced outputs.

We’ll update readers on the arrival dates but at this stage, Perreax advises that potential buyers register their interest in the Audiant VP3 with their local dealer.


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